What is the National Alliance to End Veteran Suicide?

NA2EVS is a stand alone 501(C)3 Public Charity whose roots started with the Veterans Family Fund of America in Washington state. We are a grass root effort made up of volunteers across this great nation. We position ourselves as a collaborator of the Federal VA and a State's Veteran Programs, cutting the red tape and doing what they cannot do. We save the lives of our Veterans (both Active Duty and Past Duty) through our efforts and by bringing them back in service to their nation.

Who can volunteer?

We invite everyone with a warm heart for our Veterans and their families to join our mission. We follow the acronym T.E.A.M which stands for Together Everyone Achieves Miracles. We also believe that "No one can do everything, and everyone can do something!"
Learn more about our Volunteer Champions now.

What does NA2EVS do?

Via our four Focus Areas we:

  • Create and collaborate in projects/workshops in Education to help our Veterans create a life that matters.
  • Participate in or help forward Research on Veteran Suicide.
  • Create and collaborate on events that bring together Resources for easy access to our Veterans and their families.
  • Bring together volunteer champions to create Community around our Veterans.

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