
It is those that have a warm heart for our Veterans and their families that we call Champions. It is our vision to create a network of committed, trained, and recognized volunteer champions actively engaged in the lives of our Service Members, Veterans, and their families. We ask you to take on, listening for and reliably delivering what makes a real difference in what Veterans are dealing with and what they care about most.

Click the Play button above to watch the short welcome video.

Take action as a Volunteer Champion now by taking on one or more of the campaigns below:

Veteran Community Action Network (VCAN)

We encourage volunteer champions across our nation to form up and be in action towards good in their community.

Working together you could

  • Listen for what really matters to our Veterans and their families and reliably deliver that.
  • Become connectors to valuable resources for Veteran families in your city/area.
  • Build a monthly VCAN meeting where Veteran needs are discussed and resources are provided.
  • Host our workshops/events or assist other organizations with their events.

See our Community focus area page for some other ideas then send an email to us (with subject=VCAN).

Veteran Emergency Response Network (VERN)

When a Veteran is in need, we'd like local Veterans to communicate with them to let them know they are not alone. We recommend that each Veteran find two others that they trust to form a communication team. If one is in need they call the other two for support (a cord of 3 strands is hard to break). Listening and asking open ended questions create amazing results. "People don’t care what you know, they want to know that you care!"

Send us an email (with subject=VERN) if you would like to be trained to save lives of our Military or Veterans.

Consider joining the Facebook Group 22 Is 22 Too Many


We encourage everyone to join our campaign 'Show Us Your 22'. Based on the fact that 20-22 Veterans per day take their own lives, what actions can we do as a community using the number 22 (per hour, day, week or year) to have an impact on Veteran Suicide? Click here to learn more on #ShowUsYour22.

Create a Fundraising Event

If you are a Facebook user, please like our page then create a fund raiser for your birthday or some other special occasion. From our Facebook Fundraiser page simply specify the amount and ending date. The advantage of Facebook is that they do not take any fees from what is donated.

For small fund raising projects (that won't work from Facebook), please use GoFundMe for NA2EVS where you can do as individual or a team.

If you'd like to create a larger event (walk, run, race, ride etc), please contact our founder as we have a robust technology solution we use for those.

Join our Membership Program

Consider joining our Membership Program where you give monthly to support our programs and services to our Service Members, Veterans and their families. If you are Military / Veteran we offer you a 25% discount.

© 2011 - 2025 NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END VETERAN SUICIDE®  All Rights Reserved