Workshop: Operation Veteran Freedom

Testimony from Attendees:

Repeat of Testimony items found on OVF Page begin here

"As a Senior NCO with over 52 months of combat and many years of therapy, this workshop has brought peace, understanding, and shown me my life's purpose. All Senior leadership should take this. I can't thank you enough!"
   Iraq & Afghanistan - Army Veteran

"I am at peace. I don't feel alone anymore. I can forgive myself and learn to love myself again."
   Afghanistan - Navy Seal

"I have been in therapy for seven years and nothing has made this kind of difference. This workshop has changed my life and I can now have a great marriage and a better life."
   Afghanistan - Army Nurse

"As a minister I struggle with what others think (a lot). This has helped me to write my own narrative and not allow others to tell my story of who I am."
   1993 to 2001 - Marine

"As a Combat U.S. Marine, I encourage all my brothers & sisters to take advantage of this workshop. Life changing for sure."
   Vietnam - Marine Combat Veteran

"This workshop has helped me deal with my PTSD. It has been more beneficial than any other help I have received!"
   Iraq - Army Veteran

New Testimony items not found on OVF Page begin here

" As a family member of a combat veteran, sometimes we don't realize how much our loved one's experiences affect us. This workshop allowed me to realize my thought process is absolutely normal. I now recognize my negative thoughts; I acknowledge them but do not allow them free rent in my brain. I am learning to move on and get on with my life. They will not define me any longer! "
   Wife of a Marine

"This is an amazing program. I am now more connected to friends and family. I am also present to who I am in this world."
   Woman Army Veteran

"With all the professional training I've had in mental health, it allowed me to see my spouses crap. This workshop allowed me to see my own crap!"
   SSVF Mental Health Provider

"I used this technique to help me get past what I have thought about myself, I thought that I was always to be a failure! Now I can change my thought process and now I am achieving goals I never thought I could."
   Iraq - Army Veteran

"This helped me to change my view in every aspect of life and decisions I have made and will make. This will definitely lower the suicide rate in today's military."
   Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Veteran

"Send this workshop to military units and Regional Correctional Facilities across the nation to give veterans more tools to make good choices that are based on facts."
   Recent Army Combat Veteran

"The discussions in this workshop have allowed me to do more than I had ever dreamed possible."
   Vietnam - Army Veteran

"Helped me cope with perceptions of myself from my childhood and learned I do not have to be that person."
   Afghanistan - Army Veteran

"This workshop helped me to put my past in the past and to see what is possible in any situation."
   Iraq - Army Veteran

"I am now able to start to see what triggers me and start to handle in a more positive way. I am finally taking responsibility for my past, present and future."
   Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Veteran

"I am free of my anger."
   Vietnam - Army Veteran

"Helped me with understanding and to realize I shouldn't allow past experiences to affect my future decisions."
   Afghanistan - Army Veteran

"This class should be required training and a part of the ACE program."
   Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Veteran

"This workshop helps Veterans in ways that I have never witnessed."
   Iraq - Army Veteran

"Helped me to realize that some emotions/reactions I have may be linked to past experiences that are no longer relevant."
   Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Veteran

"Life changing! Highly recommended to all military veterans. To give you an opportunity to find peace and true happiness within yourself."
   Recent - Army Veteran

"This workshop was amazing! I believe the tools learned here will help me come to terms with the things that placed me in prison."
   Recent - Army Veteran

"Great class, lots of great lessons and skills to be learned."
   Recent - Navy Veteran

"A great sense of peace and understanding of the things I create for myself."
   Iraq - Veteran

"Intelligent and world-changing for me."
   Recent Navy Veteran

"This program has allowed me to react tactfully and fluently when faced with challenges or depression."
   Iraq - Veteran

"I am grateful for this workshop. Now I can see how deep my own hurts and wounds were. I now am able to have compassion for those that have hurts."
   Recent - Army Veteran

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